A good friend of mine is gay. I asked him the other day how it felt to be labeled a barbarian. He laughed at me and said that he could be labeled many things but barbarian isn't one of them. He said he would have a hard time acting in one of those "what's in your wallet" ads and those are supposed to be funny. I told him I didn't think they were funny at all, I am Norwegian, and I thought those ads type cast my ancestry. I further told him that I didn't like the idea of a football team in Minnesota being called the Vikings. First of all, their logo is a helmet with horns and Vikings never had helmets with horns, and secondly, they haven't won anything in years and the Vikings won almost all their battles. Anyway that is another story, getting back to my friend being a barbarian.
I have known him for many years and have always known him to a religious person, and a regular church goer, somewhat the opposite of this supposedly good, non-barbarian, christian, who spent 8 years of my life in parochial school learning all about the bible and such. So, I ask him right out, have you ever prayed to God that you could be like me? Well, when he quit laughing, he said the thought never crossed his mind and if I cared to reword the question he might be able to answer without laughing. So, I said, have you ever prayed to God to make you ungay? He said that sounds like some kind of medication, but no, he had never asked God to change him. I asked, why not? He said, have you? I said yes. He said, did it work? I said, I refuse to answer. He said, it didn't work did it? I said, hell no, God can't make me what I'm not. He said, you just answered your own question.
So, I decided to press the issue and ask him what he thought of Mr. Bachmann's clinics. I can't repeat his answer, but the words idiot,stupid, and self righteous, were among the better words he used. I had already formed the same opinion myself, so I asked him straight out. Do you think that there is any remote possibility that by praying to God and looking at porn movies, you could be turned into a heterosexual? He answer was simple and to the point. He said, I have been hanging around with you guys, meaning our hunting and fishing buddies, for 30 years, if that wouldn't change me into a heterosexual, there is absolutely nothing Bachmann and his phony clinic could do in a lifetime.
So there you have it, here is a gay guy who hung around with heterosexual men, for over 30 years, who made it a quest to get him laid in some bar in Northern Minnesota, absolutely failed in our quest, although we still love the guy and won't quit trying. This is proof positive that Bachmann and his ilk are so full of bulls--t, that it is hard to believe the man was even able to pass his drivers test.
I certainly hope as time goes on that most people realize these evangelic Republicans hope to gain enough power to change the Unites States of America, from the Republic out forefathers founded to a Righteous Republic where evangelical religion rules, without regard to the existing constitution.
The difference between a Republic and a Righteous Republic is that in the Republic the Government rules according to the law set up by men, in the Righteous Republic the law is the Law of God. Only in the Righteous Republic it can truly be said "One nation under God" for it is governed under commandments of the only One True God and there is no pluralism of religions. So if you want to stop being a Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran or Jewish, vote for the evangelical Republicans and their moral policies.
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