Last week, Gun Owners of America began executing a strategy for defeating Harry Reid’s gun control bill (S. 649): put Senators on record and force them to reveal where they stand on gun rights.
Part of that strategy was an amendment to the bill put up by Mike Lee (R-UT), which would require Senators to muster 67 votes before adopting gun control legislation.
The good news is that a majority of Senators supported the Lee amendment by a 50-49 vote. The bad news is, since the Senate rules requires 60 votes, the Lee amendment fell ten votes short.
Nonetheless, one high-level Senate staffer told GOA that “The gun grabbers were livid when Senator Lee forced the vote. Mark Pryor looked nervous as hell, and DiFi [aka, Dianne Feinstein] was pissed.”
Senate Staffer: ‘DiFi was p*****’ : gunnews