Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bloomberg Mayor Buddy Faces Criminal Charges : gunnews

 Another name has been added to a list of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns who have run afoul of the law with Thursday’s criminal charges against Marcus Hook, Pa. Mayor James Schiliro, the Second Amendment Foundation reports.
“Mayor Schiliro is one more example of why we started the ‘Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors’ campaign,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “He joins recently-convicted former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, and recently-indicted former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, both of whom were MAIG members.”
SAF launched Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors last fall, “and the list keeps growing,” said Gottlieb.
“Schiliro’s case is not only bad, but bizarre,” Gottlieb said. “He’s been charged with false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, reckless endangerment, serving alcohol to a minor and other crimes, and he also allegedly used more than one gun in this incident, in which at least one shot was fired.”
According to published reports, Schiliro’s attorney says the mayor has sold his guns and entered alcoholism treatment.
Schiliro — who signed an infamous anti-gun letter to the U.S. Senate with 600 other mayors — has suddenly disappeared from the MAIG roster on that group’s website.

Bloomberg Mayor Buddy Faces Criminal Charges : gunnews

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