Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tony Sutton Neds to Be Replaced

Tony Sutton the Chairman of the Republican Party is and has been an embarrassment for GOP constituents, who have had about enough of boorish and inappropriate remarks. Here are a few of his remarks that indicate that he is an unfit leader of the GOP.

"This is no time for dangerous, unpredictable behavior from a bored dilettante who is throwing a temper tantrum for not getting his way." referring to Dayton.
"a bored dilettante'' whose recent behavior has been "erratic.'' again referring to Dayton

He has not had one positive word since taking over as GOP Chairman. His whipping boy Michael Brodkorb is also relying on personal attacks on Dayton and the Democrats, rather than giving actual facts to  the voter. Their consistant reliance on the word compromise is getting to be old, especially when they don't put out the facts to back up their words. Compromise, means a reaching of agreement through mutual concessions. The GOP hasn't given us any reason to believe this version of compromise. Compromise can also mean to put someone or something in danger, such as:  A GOP oversight has compromised the states finances.

The GOP needs to tone it down and quit the childish behavior and Sutton needs to go.

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