Click on the link, it is fun and interesting at the same time. What Happened In My Birth Year was created by Philipp Lenssen in 2010.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Syrian forces launch fierce assault on eve of Ramadan; scores are killed
ZEINA KARAM Associated Press
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian security forces backed by tanks and snipers launched a ferocious assault Sunday on defiant cities and towns, killing at least 70 people and possibly many more as the regime raced to crush dissent ahead of Ramadan. Corpses littered the streets after a surge in violence that drew widespread international condemnation.2:52 p.m. CDT, July 31, 2011
Estimates of the death toll, which were impossible to verify, ranged from around 75 people to nearly 140 on a day when the attacks began before dawn and witnesses said they were too frightened to collect corpses from the streets.
The worst carnage was in Hama, the scene of a 1982 massacre by President Bashar Assad's late father and predecessor and a city with a history of defiance against 40 years of Assad family rule. Hospitals there were overwhelmed with bloodied casualties, suggesting the death toll could rise sharply, witnesses said.
President Barack Obama called the reports "horrifying" and said Assad is "completely incapable and unwilling" to respond to the legitimate grievances of the Syrian people.
Ramadan, which begins Monday, will present a critical test for the government, which has unleashed deadly firepower since March but still has not been able to put down the revolt. Daily demonstrations are expected to surge during the holy month, when crowds gather in mosques each evening after the dawn-to-dusk fast.
Though the violence has so far failed to blunt the protests, the Syrian government appears to be hoping it can frighten people from taking to the streets during Ramadan. The protesters are promising to persevere.
Having sealed off the main roads into Hama almost a month ago, army troops in tanks pushed into the city from four sides before daybreak. Residents shouted "God is great!" and threw firebombs, stones and sticks at the tanks, residents said.
By mid-morning, the city looked like a war zone, residents said. The crackle of gunfire and thud of tank shells echoed across the city, and clouds of black smoke drifted over rooftops.
"It looks like Beirut," said Hama resident Saleh Abu Yaman, likening his hometown to the Lebanese capital that still bears the scars of nearly two decades of civil war.
Syria has banned most foreign media and restricted coverage, making it difficult to confirm events on the ground. But interviews with witnesses, protesters and activists painted a grim picture Sunday of indiscriminate shelling and sniper fire as residents fought back by erecting barricades and throwing firebombs at their assailants.
It appeared the regime was making an example of Hama, a religiously conservative city about 130 miles (210 kilometers) north of the capital, Damascus. The city has largely has fallen out of government control since June as residents turned on the regime and blockaded the streets against encroaching tanks.
The United States and France enraged the government earlier this month when their ambassadors traveled to Hama in a trip designed to demonstrate solidarity with demonstrators.
But Sunday's deadly siege only ignited more calls for defiance among protesters.
The Local Coordination Committees, which helps organize anti-government protests, urged people to take to the streets and start a general strike to protest the killings.
"If you don't unchain yourselves now and save your country now, you will be ruled like slaves for years and decades to come," the group said.
An escalation in violence during Ramadan, a time of heightened religious fervor for devout Muslims, would bring a new dimension to the unrest in Syria, which has reached a stalemate in recent weeks. Assad's elite forces have waged nearly nonstop crackdowns around the country, but new protest hotbeds have emerged — taxing the already exhausted and overextended military.
There have been credible reports of army defections, although it is difficult to gauge how widespread they are. Assad, and his father who ruled before him, stacked key military posts with members of their minority Alawite sect, melding the fate of the army and the regime.
The army has a clear interest in protecting the regime because they fear revenge attacks and persecution should the country's Sunni majority gain the upper hand.
The searing August heat will only compound the already combustible scenario.
Fargo police stop 2 naked men hours apart
FARGO, N.D. - Authorities responded to calls about two naked men walking in public within two hours of each other in the Fargo area.
The Forum newspaper reports that a naked man was seen walking in the Highland Park housing subdivision north of Fargo.
Cass County Sheriff's Office Cpl. Dean Haaland said the 19-year-old man told him he didn't remember where his clothes were.
He was arrested on suspicion of minor in consumption and taken to the Cass County Jail.
Fargo police received a number of calls shortly before noon Thursday about a naked man walking on the sidewalk on South University Drive.
Lt. Joel Vetterl said the 21-year-old was taken into custody and brought to a hospital for a mental evaluation.
The Forum newspaper reports that a naked man was seen walking in the Highland Park housing subdivision north of Fargo.
Cass County Sheriff's Office Cpl. Dean Haaland said the 19-year-old man told him he didn't remember where his clothes were.
He was arrested on suspicion of minor in consumption and taken to the Cass County Jail.
Fargo police received a number of calls shortly before noon Thursday about a naked man walking on the sidewalk on South University Drive.
Lt. Joel Vetterl said the 21-year-old was taken into custody and brought to a hospital for a mental evaluation.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The deficit solution
Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes I've heard in all this drama about the debt ceiling:
"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election."
Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes I've heard in all this drama about the debt ceiling:
"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election."
Friday, July 29, 2011
Charlie Reese's final column, A must read.
This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be. The article below is completely neutral, neither anti-republican or democrat. Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day. It's a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering!
545 vs. 300,000,000 People
-By Charlie Reese
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?
Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?
You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.
You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.
You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.
You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.
You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.
I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House now? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.
If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.
If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ...
If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.
There are no insoluble government problems.
Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.
Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.
They, and they alone, have the power.
They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees...
We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!
545 vs. 300,000,000 People
-By Charlie Reese
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?
Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?
You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.
You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.
You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.
You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.
You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.
I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House now? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.
If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.
If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ...
If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.
There are no insoluble government problems.
Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.
Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.
They, and they alone, have the power.
They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees...
We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!
* Home * Nation Soldier accused of Fort Hood plot defiant in court, yells out name of suspect in 2009 attack

This undated photo released by the U.S. Army shows Pfc. Naser Abdo. Abdo, 21, arrested Wednesday, July 27, 2011, who had weapons stashed in a motel room near Fort Hood, Texas, admitted planning an attack on the post, where 13 people died in 2009 in the worst mass shooting ever on a U.S. military installation, the Army said in an alert issued Thursday.
WACO, Texas - Coolly defiant, Pfc. Naser Abdo shouted "Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009!" as he was led out of the courtroom Friday, an apparent homage to the suspect in the worst mass shooting ever on a U.S. military installation. He condemned the attack less than a year ago, but is now accused of trying to repeat it.
Investigators say Abdo, who cited his Muslim beliefs in requesting conscientious objector status last year, was found in a motel room three miles from Fort Hood's main gate with a handgun, an article titled "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom" and the ingredients for an explosive device, including gunpowder, shrapnel and pressure cookers. An article with that title appears in an al-Qaida magazine.
Abdo went absent without leave from Fort Campbell, Ky., early this month after being charged with possessing child pornography.
Police and the Army say Abdo admitted plotting an attack, but in Fuhais, Jordan, his father insisted the allegations were "all lies from A to Z."
"My son loved people no matter who they are, whether Jews or Christians," Jamal Abdo said. "Naser is not the kind of a person who harbors evil for the other people, he cannot kill anyone and he could not have done any bad thing."
Jamal Abdo, 52, is a Jordanian who lived near Fort Hood in Killeen for 25 years until he was deported from the United States last year after being convicted of soliciting a minor.
His 21-year-old son was ordered held without bond Friday. He is charged with possession of an unregistered destructive device in connection with a bomb plot and has yet to enter a plea. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison.
It was not immediately known if he would face additional charges. "Our office will pursue federal charges where the evidence takes us," said Daryl Fields, spokesman for federal prosecutors.
In court, Abdo refused to stand when the judge entered — U.S. marshals pulled him from his seat — but he answered the judge's questions politely.
On his way out, he yelled "Iraq 2006!" and the name of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl who was raped that year before she and her family were killed. Five current or former U.S. soldiers went to prison, one for a life term, for their roles in that attack.
He also shouted the name of Hasan, an Army major and psychiatrist who is charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood.
Abdo's court-appointed attorney did not comment. His next hearing was set for Aug. 4.
According to court documents, Abdo told investigators he planned to construct two bombs in his motel room using gunpowder and shrapnel packed into pressure cookers and then detonate the explosives at a restaurant frequented by soldiers.
FBI Agent James E. Runkel said in an affidavit filed in federal court that police found Abdo carrying a backpack containing two clocks, wire, ammunition, a handgun and the "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom" article. Such an article was featured in an issue of Inspire, an English-language magazine produced by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, a Yemen-based branch of the terror group.
The allegations and Abdo's defiance in court contrast with the words he used as he was petitioning for conscientious objector status. In an essay he sent to The Associated Press last year he said acts like the Fort Hood shootings "run counter to what I believe in as a Muslim."
He was born in Texas to a non-denominational Christian mother and a Muslim father. Jamal Abdo said they divorced in 1993.
Naser Abdo said he became a Muslim when he was 17. He said he enlisted thinking that Army service would not conflict with his religious beliefs, but reconsidered as he explored Islam further.
"I realized through further reflection that god did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army could conceivably participate in," he wrote in his conscientious objector application.
Abdo was approved as a conscientious objector this year, but that status was put on hold after he was charged in May with possessing child pornography. Abdo denied the charge before this week's arrest.
Abdo went AWOL during the July 4 weekend. FBI, police and military officials have said little about whether or how they were tracking Abdo since he left Fort Campbell.
Jamal Abdo disputed both the child pornography charges and the bomb plot allegations against his son, and said Naser was discriminated against in the Army because of his religion.
"Fellow soldiers slurred him and treated him badly. They mocked him as he prayed. They cursed him and used bad language against Islam and its prophet," he said.
"He reported these incidents, but nothing was done about it," the elder Abdo said. "Therefore he wanted to leave the Army. I always told him to be calm and to focus on his duty and he used to tell me, `Yes, Papa.'"
He said Naser never mentioned al-Qaida and that he last spoke to his son a week ago.
Investigators say Abdo, who cited his Muslim beliefs in requesting conscientious objector status last year, was found in a motel room three miles from Fort Hood's main gate with a handgun, an article titled "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom" and the ingredients for an explosive device, including gunpowder, shrapnel and pressure cookers. An article with that title appears in an al-Qaida magazine.
Abdo went absent without leave from Fort Campbell, Ky., early this month after being charged with possessing child pornography.
Police and the Army say Abdo admitted plotting an attack, but in Fuhais, Jordan, his father insisted the allegations were "all lies from A to Z."
"My son loved people no matter who they are, whether Jews or Christians," Jamal Abdo said. "Naser is not the kind of a person who harbors evil for the other people, he cannot kill anyone and he could not have done any bad thing."
Jamal Abdo, 52, is a Jordanian who lived near Fort Hood in Killeen for 25 years until he was deported from the United States last year after being convicted of soliciting a minor.
His 21-year-old son was ordered held without bond Friday. He is charged with possession of an unregistered destructive device in connection with a bomb plot and has yet to enter a plea. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison.
It was not immediately known if he would face additional charges. "Our office will pursue federal charges where the evidence takes us," said Daryl Fields, spokesman for federal prosecutors.
In court, Abdo refused to stand when the judge entered — U.S. marshals pulled him from his seat — but he answered the judge's questions politely.
On his way out, he yelled "Iraq 2006!" and the name of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl who was raped that year before she and her family were killed. Five current or former U.S. soldiers went to prison, one for a life term, for their roles in that attack.
He also shouted the name of Hasan, an Army major and psychiatrist who is charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood.
Abdo's court-appointed attorney did not comment. His next hearing was set for Aug. 4.
According to court documents, Abdo told investigators he planned to construct two bombs in his motel room using gunpowder and shrapnel packed into pressure cookers and then detonate the explosives at a restaurant frequented by soldiers.
FBI Agent James E. Runkel said in an affidavit filed in federal court that police found Abdo carrying a backpack containing two clocks, wire, ammunition, a handgun and the "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom" article. Such an article was featured in an issue of Inspire, an English-language magazine produced by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, a Yemen-based branch of the terror group.
The allegations and Abdo's defiance in court contrast with the words he used as he was petitioning for conscientious objector status. In an essay he sent to The Associated Press last year he said acts like the Fort Hood shootings "run counter to what I believe in as a Muslim."
He was born in Texas to a non-denominational Christian mother and a Muslim father. Jamal Abdo said they divorced in 1993.
Naser Abdo said he became a Muslim when he was 17. He said he enlisted thinking that Army service would not conflict with his religious beliefs, but reconsidered as he explored Islam further.
"I realized through further reflection that god did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army could conceivably participate in," he wrote in his conscientious objector application.
Abdo was approved as a conscientious objector this year, but that status was put on hold after he was charged in May with possessing child pornography. Abdo denied the charge before this week's arrest.
Abdo went AWOL during the July 4 weekend. FBI, police and military officials have said little about whether or how they were tracking Abdo since he left Fort Campbell.
Jamal Abdo disputed both the child pornography charges and the bomb plot allegations against his son, and said Naser was discriminated against in the Army because of his religion.
"Fellow soldiers slurred him and treated him badly. They mocked him as he prayed. They cursed him and used bad language against Islam and its prophet," he said.
"He reported these incidents, but nothing was done about it," the elder Abdo said. "Therefore he wanted to leave the Army. I always told him to be calm and to focus on his duty and he used to tell me, `Yes, Papa.'"
He said Naser never mentioned al-Qaida and that he last spoke to his son a week ago.
Abdo was arrested after a gun-store clerk told authorities he bought six pounds of smokeless gunpowder, shotgun ammunition and a magazine for a semi-automatic pistol on Tuesday — while seeming to know little about what he was buying. Killeen Police Chief Dennis Baldwin has suggested that without the tip, a terror attack could have been imminent.
Two veterans groups that supported Abdo in his bid to be a conscientious objector said they have not had direct contact with him recently.
"If any of these allegations are true, any sort of violence toward anyone goes completely against what a conscientious objector believes," said Jose Vasquez, executive director of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Another group, Courage to Resist, said in a statement that it had removed Abdo's profile from its website. It said it has paid $800 of Abdo's legal fees in the conscientious objector case.
Vasquez provided a copy of a statement Abdo sent to his group last year that claimed soldiers often associated terror with Islam "during routine training exercises."
"Only when the military and America can disassociate Muslims from terror can we move onto a brighter future of religious collaboration and dialogue that defines America and makes me proud to be an American," Abdo wrote.
Associated Press writers Jamal Halaby in Fuhais, Jordan; Kristin M. Hall in Nashville, Tenn.; Janet Cappiello in Louisville, Ky., contributed to this report.
Two veterans groups that supported Abdo in his bid to be a conscientious objector said they have not had direct contact with him recently.
"If any of these allegations are true, any sort of violence toward anyone goes completely against what a conscientious objector believes," said Jose Vasquez, executive director of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Another group, Courage to Resist, said in a statement that it had removed Abdo's profile from its website. It said it has paid $800 of Abdo's legal fees in the conscientious objector case.
Vasquez provided a copy of a statement Abdo sent to his group last year that claimed soldiers often associated terror with Islam "during routine training exercises."
"Only when the military and America can disassociate Muslims from terror can we move onto a brighter future of religious collaboration and dialogue that defines America and makes me proud to be an American," Abdo wrote.
Associated Press writers Jamal Halaby in Fuhais, Jordan; Kristin M. Hall in Nashville, Tenn.; Janet Cappiello in Louisville, Ky., contributed to this report.
Iowa work crew rips siding off wrong home
Associated Press
MARION, Iowa - A Marion man was stunned when he came home and found that half the siding was ripped off the house he was renting. He was stunned because the workers had gotten the wrong address.
Cedar Rapids television station KCRG reports that the Rausch Cos. crew had gone to 2280 Geode St. instead of 2280 Agate St., a block east in the same neighborhood.
Matthew Dietz says the construction mess forced his family to curb plans for a birthday party.
Rausch Cos. described the mistake as an honest error and that the matter has been turned over to its insurance company.
Wisconsin GOP facts are false
As a GOP member myself, I feel that if someone is going lie, let it be the Democrats, however in Wisconsin most of the "facts" put out by the GOP are lies. Last week I tweeted that the governors statement that Wisconsin has created over half the private sector jobs in the US during the month of June seemed highly unlikely. I requested the facts from the governor, but never received an answer. Now several sources including PolitiFact are giving it a false rating. You can find the report here: .
It is now being reported that radio ads by Wisconsin state Sen. Sheila Harsdorf has earned a "Mostly False" rating from fact-check group PolitiFact. The radio ad in question tells listeners that Harsdorf, R-River Falls, "understands that government should serve taxpayers, not the other way around," and attacks her challenger in the 10th District recall race, Shelly Moore, on the issue of taxes. The ad states, "Moore opposes any limit on taxes. This summer, let's tell Shelly Moore we can't afford more taxes." PolitiFact asked the Harsdorf campaign to back up the claim. PolitiFact's findings, found at, show that Moore has objected to several tax restraint efforts, but has also publicly supported "limiting the income-tax liability of working families, the elderly and others," according to PolitiFact. The ad had previously been rated as "Barely True" on PolitiFact's Truth-O-Meter, but the definition of the rating was changed on Wednesday to "Mostly False."
We all know politicians stretch the truth, but outright lying to public, is not excusable, whether you are a Democrat or Republican.
It is now being reported that radio ads by Wisconsin state Sen. Sheila Harsdorf has earned a "Mostly False" rating from fact-check group PolitiFact. The radio ad in question tells listeners that Harsdorf, R-River Falls, "understands that government should serve taxpayers, not the other way around," and attacks her challenger in the 10th District recall race, Shelly Moore, on the issue of taxes. The ad states, "Moore opposes any limit on taxes. This summer, let's tell Shelly Moore we can't afford more taxes." PolitiFact asked the Harsdorf campaign to back up the claim. PolitiFact's findings, found at, show that Moore has objected to several tax restraint efforts, but has also publicly supported "limiting the income-tax liability of working families, the elderly and others," according to PolitiFact. The ad had previously been rated as "Barely True" on PolitiFact's Truth-O-Meter, but the definition of the rating was changed on Wednesday to "Mostly False."
We all know politicians stretch the truth, but outright lying to public, is not excusable, whether you are a Democrat or Republican.
Bachmann refuses to answer questions about family's business and finances
Associated Press
Updated: 07/28/2011 05:56:24 PM CDT
WASHINGTON - Rep. Michele Bachmann steadfastly refused Thursday to answer questions about her family's business and finances, saying that she - not her husband - was the one seeking the White House.
The Minnesota Republican faced queries about Marcus Bachmann's Christian counseling clinic that attempts to convert gay patients as well as her own beliefs on sexuality during a luncheon at the National Press Club. With her husband sitting nearby, Bachmann said she expected scrutiny as a candidate but questions about her family were off-limits.
"I'm running for the presidency of the United States. My husband is not running for the presidency. Neither are my children. Neither is our business," she said.
"I am more than happy to stand for questions on running for the presidency of the United States," she continued. "I have no doubt that every jot and tittle of my life will be fully looked at and inspected prior to November of 2012."
Bachmann, who is campaigning hard ahead of next month's debate and straw poll in Iowa, has consistently declined to discuss the family's business that has faced criticism from gay rights groups. When asked to describe her beliefs on gay therapy, Michele Bachmann said she loved her husband of 32 years and then said her husband was not a campaign issue.
She also faced questions about her opposition to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Washington Post reported this week that its analysis of her mortgage loan documents suggests her family
"We need to get the federal government out of these programs."
Bachmann used her speech to discuss Congress' ongoing effort to increase the limit on the nation's credit card. She downplayed the catastrophic consequences predicted if lawmakers allow the United States to default on its debts.
Bachmann, a favorite of the libertarian tea party, has vowed to vote against any increase in the debt ceiling and called the deal being negotiated on Capitol Hill as one based on "illusory" and "counterfeit" savings. She said President Barack Obama has misled the American people on when the government would run out of borrowing authority and has employed "scare tactics" that have needlessly spooked Wall Street.
"The current negotiations over the debt ceiling illustrate exactly what is wrong with Washington, D.C., today," said during her speech. "The lack of a clear plan from our president to substantially reduce our debt is what's scaring the markets. ... The markets know when politicians are serious about spending cuts and the markets know when politicians are not."
The nation faces a Tuesday deadline to increase Washington's borrowing power to pay its bills. Congressional leaders were working to find a compromise that cuts future spending as a trade-off to avoid a government default that could send world markets crashing and could downgrade the United States' credit rating.
Bachmann said that would not happen; she offered no specifics to back up that claim.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Red meat: Not so bad after all?:
Red meat: Not so bad after all?:
I have eaten red meat practically everyday of my life. I just finished a complete physical, that took over a week and included a colonoscopy. My Doc said, I don't have so much a s a small polyp and I will see you in 5 years.
I have eaten red meat practically everyday of my life. I just finished a complete physical, that took over a week and included a colonoscopy. My Doc said, I don't have so much a s a small polyp and I will see you in 5 years.
Vilas County deputy shoots woman; thought she was a cougar
ARBOR VITAE -- An off-duty Vilas County Sheriff's deputy shot a woman Monday after mistaking her for a cougar, according to the Sheriff's Department.
Ty Peterson shot a 20-year-old female family member shortly after 9 p.m. Monday at his home in the town of Arbor Vitae, according to a Sheriff's Department news release. She was taken to a hospital with a non-life-threatening injury, police said.
An initial investigation showed that the woman was playing a prank on Peterson, according to the news release. Peterson thought he was being attacked by a cougar, which was seen in the deputy's yard earlier in the day, and shot the victim as a result of the prank, police said.
The Oneida County Sheriff's Department is assisting in the investigation.
Ty Peterson shot a 20-year-old female family member shortly after 9 p.m. Monday at his home in the town of Arbor Vitae, according to a Sheriff's Department news release. She was taken to a hospital with a non-life-threatening injury, police said.
An initial investigation showed that the woman was playing a prank on Peterson, according to the news release. Peterson thought he was being attacked by a cougar, which was seen in the deputy's yard earlier in the day, and shot the victim as a result of the prank, police said.
The Oneida County Sheriff's Department is assisting in the investigation.
NY fugitive taunts police on Facebook to catch him
(07-28) 06:53 PDT New York (AP) --
A fugitive from upstate New York who taunted police on his Facebook page to `catch me if you can. I'm in Brooklyn' has been arrested.
The Daily News says U.S. marshals and NYPD detectives tracked Victor Burgos down to an apartment in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood Monday night, sitting at his computer with his Facebook page open.
The 29-year-old suspect was wanted by Utica police on multiple arrest warrants for domestic violence and harassment of his former girlfriend.
He allegedly issued the Facebook challenge after his mug shot appeared on the Utica Police Department's 10 most wanted list.
Utica Sgt. Steve Hauck tells the News: "He told us via Facebook to come and get him and we did."
A fugitive from upstate New York who taunted police on his Facebook page to `catch me if you can. I'm in Brooklyn' has been arrested.
The Daily News says U.S. marshals and NYPD detectives tracked Victor Burgos down to an apartment in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood Monday night, sitting at his computer with his Facebook page open.
The 29-year-old suspect was wanted by Utica police on multiple arrest warrants for domestic violence and harassment of his former girlfriend.
He allegedly issued the Facebook challenge after his mug shot appeared on the Utica Police Department's 10 most wanted list.
Utica Sgt. Steve Hauck tells the News: "He told us via Facebook to come and get him and we did."
What the hell is going on here?
Wisconsin milk production dips 2 percent last month
Associated Press
Updated: 07/28/2011 07:10:24 AM CDT
Wisconsin's milk production continues to lag compared to last year's output, but that's partly because 2010 was an exceptionally productive year.
Wisconsin produced 2.21 billion pounds of milk last month. That's down 2 percent from the same month last year, and the third straight month there was a year-over-year decrease.
But April through June of last year were among the most productive months in state history. So even though the recent levels of production are down from last year, industry experts aren't concerned. They say the state is simply returning to its more traditional levels.
Once again, Wisconsin was solidly in second place in U.S. milk production. California remained the nation's leader by producing 3.5 billion pounds, a 3 percent increase. Idaho was a distant third with 1.1 billion pounds.
Judge considers bond in new Douglas County homicide trial/Medical Examiner wrong.
Judge considers bond in new Douglas County homicide trial -
Innocent Project says, medical examiner wrong with determination of Homicide. Several other medical examiners say SIDS.
Innocent Project says, medical examiner wrong with determination of Homicide. Several other medical examiners say SIDS.
Muslim AWOL U.S. Serviceman Arrested with a bomb
A U.S. serviceman is in custody after he allegedly admitted he was planning an attack on the U.S. Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, the same base where 13 people were killed in a 2009 terror attack.
U.S. officials told ABC News an AWOL serviceman, identified by the FBI as a Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, was arrested Wednesday after making a purchase at Guns Galore in Killeen, Texas, the same ammunition store where Maj. Nidal Hasan purchased the weapons he allegedly used to gun down 13 people and wound 30 others on Nov. 5, 2009.
Abdo, 21, allegedly told law enforcement he was targeting the base to "get even," according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. The soldier had gone AWOL from Fort Campbell's 101st Airborne Division over the July 4 weekend, according to a senior military officer.
When he was arrested, Abdo was in possession of large quantities of ammunition, weapons and what appeared to be the makings of a bomb, according to early accounts from law enforcement. He had also apparently purchased an Army uniform with Fort Hood patches from a local surplus store.
Abdo told ABC News in 2010 he was Muslim and should not have to participate in what he called an "unjust war" in the Middle East.
"Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the U.S. military," Abdo said then.
U.S. officials told ABC News an AWOL serviceman, identified by the FBI as a Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, was arrested Wednesday after making a purchase at Guns Galore in Killeen, Texas, the same ammunition store where Maj. Nidal Hasan purchased the weapons he allegedly used to gun down 13 people and wound 30 others on Nov. 5, 2009.
Abdo, 21, allegedly told law enforcement he was targeting the base to "get even," according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. The soldier had gone AWOL from Fort Campbell's 101st Airborne Division over the July 4 weekend, according to a senior military officer.
When he was arrested, Abdo was in possession of large quantities of ammunition, weapons and what appeared to be the makings of a bomb, according to early accounts from law enforcement. He had also apparently purchased an Army uniform with Fort Hood patches from a local surplus store.
Abdo told ABC News in 2010 he was Muslim and should not have to participate in what he called an "unjust war" in the Middle East.
Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo is shown... View Full Size

Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo is shown in this file photo.
Soldier Arrested for Fort Hood Attack Plans; Job Growth Boosts Stocks Watch Video

Fort Hood Plot: U.S. Soldier Arrested Watch Video

Minnesota Fishing Report.
Minnesota Outdoor News Fishing Report
July 29, 2011
July 29, 2011
Big Six
East - The day bite is slower, but fish can be had with live-bait rigs and leeches on the tops and edges of the mud or deep gravel. The best option for a keeping-sized fish is at night with slip bobbers and leeches on the rocks. Muskie reports have improved on the weedlines of most bays and smallmouth bass can be had on the shorelines and mid-depth rocks.
Johnson's Portside (320) 676-3811
East - The day bite is slower, but fish can be had with live-bait rigs and leeches on the tops and edges of the mud or deep gravel. The best option for a keeping-sized fish is at night with slip bobbers and leeches on the rocks. Muskie reports have improved on the weedlines of most bays and smallmouth bass can be had on the shorelines and mid-depth rocks.
Johnson's Portside (320) 676-3811
West - Walleyes continue to bite best at night off the mud flats in 33 to 35 feet with slip bobbers and leeches producing most fish. During the day, hop around the various flats and work the tops and edges with spinner rigs and live bait. Northern pike are hitting crankbaits on the weed edges in most bays and muskie action has improved in Vineland Bay and the north-end sand. Smallmouth bass continue to hit live bait and artificial baits on the weedlines or rocks.
Terry's Boat Harbor (320) 692-4430
Terry's Boat Harbor (320) 692-4430
Crawlers, leeches, and minnows are turning walleyes in 15 to 25 feet near Garden Island, the Bridges area, and Little Oak in recent days. A few more saugers have started to be caught and kept on the deep, main-lake basin areas. At the Northwest Angle, anglers continue to hook a mixed bag of fish on live bait around the islands in 16 to 24 feet.
Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau
(800) 382-FISH
Crawlers, leeches, and minnows are turning walleyes in 15 to 25 feet near Garden Island, the Bridges area, and Little Oak in recent days. A few more saugers have started to be caught and kept on the deep, main-lake basin areas. At the Northwest Angle, anglers continue to hook a mixed bag of fish on live bait around the islands in 16 to 24 feet.
Lake of the Woods Tourism Bureau
(800) 382-FISH
Spinners and crawlers are triggering a few walleyes during the day on the 12- to 16-foot main-lake rock reefs and north of Goose Island in 15 to 17 feet. At night, crankbaits are producing fish in shallower water on the flats, Sand Point, and Pine Point. Muskie reports have heated up with bucktails and jerkbaits turning fish on the weeds in Sucker Bay and Portage Bay. The rice beds in Steamboat Bay and Boy Bay are holding bass.
Reed's Sporting Goods (218) 547-1505
Spinners and crawlers are triggering a few walleyes during the day on the 12- to 16-foot main-lake rock reefs and north of Goose Island in 15 to 17 feet. At night, crankbaits are producing fish in shallower water on the flats, Sand Point, and Pine Point. Muskie reports have heated up with bucktails and jerkbaits turning fish on the weeds in Sucker Bay and Portage Bay. The rice beds in Steamboat Bay and Boy Bay are holding bass.
Reed's Sporting Goods (218) 547-1505
Look for walleyes along the deep weed edges or 30 feet or more in Wayzata Bay, Brown's Bay, and Crystal Bay. Diamond Reef and Brown's Bay are giving up crappies, most of which are over 20 feet. Bass are hanging tight to the milfoil in areas with a hard bottom. Spinnerbaits and small sucker minnows are turning pike on the weedlines and muskie reports have been limited. Sunfish are hitting in the channels and 16- to 18-foot weedlines.
Wayzata Bait (952) 473-2227
Look for walleyes along the deep weed edges or 30 feet or more in Wayzata Bay, Brown's Bay, and Crystal Bay. Diamond Reef and Brown's Bay are giving up crappies, most of which are over 20 feet. Bass are hanging tight to the milfoil in areas with a hard bottom. Spinnerbaits and small sucker minnows are turning pike on the weedlines and muskie reports have been limited. Sunfish are hitting in the channels and 16- to 18-foot weedlines.
Wayzata Bait (952) 473-2227
Look for walleyes at the mouth of the Brule in 10 to 12 feet and around Fox Island in 28 to 30. The Three Sisters area in Sand Bay is giving up walleyes in 22 to 28 feet. Black Bay is producing crappies and walleyes in 12 to 14 feet. The mouth of the Little Fork on the Rainy River is worth noting for walleyes. Pike are hitting crankbaits on weedlines in Lost Bay.
Loon's Nest (218) 286-5850
Look for walleyes at the mouth of the Brule in 10 to 12 feet and around Fox Island in 28 to 30. The Three Sisters area in Sand Bay is giving up walleyes in 22 to 28 feet. Black Bay is producing crappies and walleyes in 12 to 14 feet. The mouth of the Little Fork on the Rainy River is worth noting for walleyes. Pike are hitting crankbaits on weedlines in Lost Bay.
Loon's Nest (218) 286-5850
Walleye action has been "on and off" with crawlers and leeches producing most fish on bars and north-end humps in 18 to 22 feet. Big Muskie Bar, Long Bar, and Eelpout Bar have been best, but it depends on the wind. Perch are hitting on the north-end rocks in 12 to 14 feet and you'll find pike on the weed edges.
Nodak Lodge (218) 665-2226
Walleye action has been "on and off" with crawlers and leeches producing most fish on bars and north-end humps in 18 to 22 feet. Big Muskie Bar, Long Bar, and Eelpout Bar have been best, but it depends on the wind. Perch are hitting on the north-end rocks in 12 to 14 feet and you'll find pike on the weed edges.
Nodak Lodge (218) 665-2226
Twin Cities Metro
Minnows and leeches are turning walleyes on the St. Croix River, north of Hudson in 15 feet. The weedlines of Silver Lake are producing pike and panfish. Dream Catchers thrown on the north-end weedlines of Bald Eagle Lake have triggered muskies. Hit Demonterville Lake for consistent bass action and channel catfish are hitting in the Prescott area of the St. Croix.
Blue Ribbon Bait & Tackle (651) 777-2421
Minnows and leeches are turning walleyes on the St. Croix River, north of Hudson in 15 feet. The weedlines of Silver Lake are producing pike and panfish. Dream Catchers thrown on the north-end weedlines of Bald Eagle Lake have triggered muskies. Hit Demonterville Lake for consistent bass action and channel catfish are hitting in the Prescott area of the St. Croix.
Blue Ribbon Bait & Tackle (651) 777-2421
Lake Auburn, Lake Minnewashta, and Lake Bavaria are producing sunfish along the 12- to 18- foot weedlines. Look to Steiger Lake for largemouth bass, while Whaletail Lake and Pierson Lake are safe bets for northern pike with sucker minnows.
Cabin Fever Sports (952) 443-2022
Lake Auburn, Lake Minnewashta, and Lake Bavaria are producing sunfish along the 12- to 18- foot weedlines. Look to Steiger Lake for largemouth bass, while Whaletail Lake and Pierson Lake are safe bets for northern pike with sucker minnows.
Cabin Fever Sports (952) 443-2022
A few more muskies are being taken with CowGirls near the swimming beach, North Reef, and Center Reef – weeds are holding most fish. Sunfish are hitting during the morning along the weed edges of most reefs in 12 to 14 feet. Bass fishing is strong in deep and shallow water with topwater baits or plastics. Walleye reports have slowed.
Mases In Towne Marina (952) 442-2096
A few more muskies are being taken with CowGirls near the swimming beach, North Reef, and Center Reef – weeds are holding most fish. Sunfish are hitting during the morning along the weed edges of most reefs in 12 to 14 feet. Bass fishing is strong in deep and shallow water with topwater baits or plastics. Walleye reports have slowed.
Mases In Towne Marina (952) 442-2096
A few walleyes are being plucked from the deep weedlines on Lake Darling and Lake Le Homme Dieu. Lindy Rigs and leeches are producing walleyes along the weedlines at Lake Carlos, Lake Miltona, and Lake Ida early and late in the day. Small jigs and minnows are producing a few crappies in nine to 16 feet throughout the Le Homme Dieu Chain. The flats and slop are holding plenty of bass and muskie reports have been better on Miltona with BullDawgs.
Christopherson's Bait and Tackle
(320) 763-3255
A few walleyes are being plucked from the deep weedlines on Lake Darling and Lake Le Homme Dieu. Lindy Rigs and leeches are producing walleyes along the weedlines at Lake Carlos, Lake Miltona, and Lake Ida early and late in the day. Small jigs and minnows are producing a few crappies in nine to 16 feet throughout the Le Homme Dieu Chain. The flats and slop are holding plenty of bass and muskie reports have been better on Miltona with BullDawgs.
Christopherson's Bait and Tackle
(320) 763-3255
A few walleyes are being taken with leeches and crawlers on Clearwater Lake in 18 to 28 feet. Look for sunfish on Lake Sylvia, Pleasant Lake, Lake John, and Clearwater along the weedlines out to 20 feet. Bass fishing has been best with spinnerbaits or topwater baits on most lakes and Sugar Lake has produced a couple muskies this week during low-light periods. Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows on the weedlines of John, Sugar, Clearwater, Pleasant, and Cedar Lake.
Little Jim's Bait (320) 274-5297
A few walleyes are being taken with leeches and crawlers on Clearwater Lake in 18 to 28 feet. Look for sunfish on Lake Sylvia, Pleasant Lake, Lake John, and Clearwater along the weedlines out to 20 feet. Bass fishing has been best with spinnerbaits or topwater baits on most lakes and Sugar Lake has produced a couple muskies this week during low-light periods. Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows on the weedlines of John, Sugar, Clearwater, Pleasant, and Cedar Lake.
Little Jim's Bait (320) 274-5297
Lindy Rigs and crawlers worked in 15 to 30 feet or Shad Raps trolled in five to 10 feet have produced walleyes at Walker Lake, Otter Tail Lake, and West Battle Lake. Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows on the weedlines of Otter Tail, West Battle, Clitherall Lake, and Fiske Lake. Crappies are being found suspended over deep water at West Battle and Clitherall, while sunfish are hitting in the cabbage of lakes Blanche, Stalker, West Battle, and Clitherall. Blade baits have turned muskies at West Battle in 20 to 25 feet and bass seem to be hitting on all lakes.
Ben's Bait Shop (218) 864-5596
Lindy Rigs and crawlers worked in 15 to 30 feet or Shad Raps trolled in five to 10 feet have produced walleyes at Walker Lake, Otter Tail Lake, and West Battle Lake. Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows on the weedlines of Otter Tail, West Battle, Clitherall Lake, and Fiske Lake. Crappies are being found suspended over deep water at West Battle and Clitherall, while sunfish are hitting in the cabbage of lakes Blanche, Stalker, West Battle, and Clitherall. Blade baits have turned muskies at West Battle in 20 to 25 feet and bass seem to be hitting on all lakes.
Ben's Bait Shop (218) 864-5596
Look for walleyes in 18 to 25 feet on Lake Bemidji and Lake Plantagenet. Panfish remain active in 10 to 14 feet at Lake Beltrami, Grace Lake, and Grant Lake. Muskie anglers are seeing more fish this week with CowGirls and Jackpots raising fish at Plantagenet. Bass are hitting plastics and spinnerbaits along the weedlines of Grace and Bemidji is the area's best option for northern pike.
Bluewater Outdoors
(218) 444-BAIT (2248)
Look for walleyes in 18 to 25 feet on Lake Bemidji and Lake Plantagenet. Panfish remain active in 10 to 14 feet at Lake Beltrami, Grace Lake, and Grant Lake. Muskie anglers are seeing more fish this week with CowGirls and Jackpots raising fish at Plantagenet. Bass are hitting plastics and spinnerbaits along the weedlines of Grace and Bemidji is the area's best option for northern pike.
Bluewater Outdoors
(218) 444-BAIT (2248)
Walleyes continue to hit leeches and crawlers on Blackduck Lake along the seven- to 10-foot weeds and at Island Lake in 10 to 14 feet. Panfish action remains strong in the deep cabbage of Lake Pimushe and Gull Lake. Bass and northern pike are an easy catch along the weedlines of most weeds.
Timberline Sports and Tackle
(218) 835-4636
Walleyes continue to hit leeches and crawlers on Blackduck Lake along the seven- to 10-foot weeds and at Island Lake in 10 to 14 feet. Panfish action remains strong in the deep cabbage of Lake Pimushe and Gull Lake. Bass and northern pike are an easy catch along the weedlines of most weeds.
Timberline Sports and Tackle
(218) 835-4636
Walleye fishing remains spotty at Cass Lake with a few fish coming off live bait in 20 to 25 feet. Jumbo perch are holding on the main-lake flats of Cass and Pike Bay Lake in six to eight feet. Panfish are "going crazy" at Cass, Pike Bay, and Kitchi Lake around the bulrushes and cabbage areas in four to six feet. Muskie fishing remains excellent on all area lakes.
Sunset Cove Resort (800) 279-4831
Walleye fishing remains spotty at Cass Lake with a few fish coming off live bait in 20 to 25 feet. Jumbo perch are holding on the main-lake flats of Cass and Pike Bay Lake in six to eight feet. Panfish are "going crazy" at Cass, Pike Bay, and Kitchi Lake around the bulrushes and cabbage areas in four to six feet. Muskie fishing remains excellent on all area lakes.
Sunset Cove Resort (800) 279-4831
You'll find crappies and sunfish in six to 12 feet at North Center Lake and South Center Lake. On Chisago Lake, crappies are hitting in nine to 12 feet and bass remain active along the shorelines. Leeches and crawlers are turning walleyes during the evening hours at Green Lake in 15 to 17 feet and at Chisago in 15 to 19 feet.
Frankie's Bait (651) 257-6334
You'll find crappies and sunfish in six to 12 feet at North Center Lake and South Center Lake. On Chisago Lake, crappies are hitting in nine to 12 feet and bass remain active along the shorelines. Leeches and crawlers are turning walleyes during the evening hours at Green Lake in 15 to 17 feet and at Chisago in 15 to 19 feet.
Frankie's Bait (651) 257-6334
Walleyes continue to hit crawlers and leeches in 15 to 17 feet at Serpent Lake and Rabbit Lake. The Mississippi River is kicking out walleyes as well. The 10- to 15-foot weedlines of Lake Emily, Bay Lake, Little Rabbit Lake, and Rabbit are producing northern pike. Look for panfish in 10 to 15 feet at Serpent, Nokay Lake, Black Hoof Lake, and Cedar Lake. Rainbow trout are being found suspended at 20 to 30 feet at the Portsmouth Pit and Pennington Pit.
Oars 'n Mine Bait and Tackle (218) 546-6912
Walleyes continue to hit crawlers and leeches in 15 to 17 feet at Serpent Lake and Rabbit Lake. The Mississippi River is kicking out walleyes as well. The 10- to 15-foot weedlines of Lake Emily, Bay Lake, Little Rabbit Lake, and Rabbit are producing northern pike. Look for panfish in 10 to 15 feet at Serpent, Nokay Lake, Black Hoof Lake, and Cedar Lake. Rainbow trout are being found suspended at 20 to 30 feet at the Portsmouth Pit and Pennington Pit.
Oars 'n Mine Bait and Tackle (218) 546-6912
Walleyes are hitting leeches and crawlers at Big Detroit Lake, Lake Melissa, Pelican Lake, Big Cormorant Lake, and Island Lake from the weedlines out to 20 feet. Panfish action is consistent in the 10-foot cabbage of Big Detroit, Floyd Lake, Severson Lake, and Melissa. Muskie anglers are finding a few fish on the weedlines and deep breaks of Big Detroit and Lake Sallie. Northern pike and bass remain active on the weedlines and shoreline breaks of most lakes.
Quality Bait and Tackle (218) 844-2248
Walleyes are hitting leeches and crawlers at Big Detroit Lake, Lake Melissa, Pelican Lake, Big Cormorant Lake, and Island Lake from the weedlines out to 20 feet. Panfish action is consistent in the 10-foot cabbage of Big Detroit, Floyd Lake, Severson Lake, and Melissa. Muskie anglers are finding a few fish on the weedlines and deep breaks of Big Detroit and Lake Sallie. Northern pike and bass remain active on the weedlines and shoreline breaks of most lakes.
Quality Bait and Tackle (218) 844-2248
Walleyes are hitting leeches and crawlers at Island Lake in 25 to 30 feet and at Boulder Lake in 15 feet. Fish Lake is giving up a few bluegills along the deeper weedbeds and smallmouth bass action has picked up on the structure at Island. On the St. Louis River and Island, topwater baits are raising muskies during low-light periods. Salmon and lake trout reports off Lake Superior have been best north of Two Harbors about 10 miles off shore. Find clean, cooler water and troll spoons at least 50 feet down.
Chalstrom's Bait (218) 726-0094
Walleyes are hitting leeches and crawlers at Island Lake in 25 to 30 feet and at Boulder Lake in 15 feet. Fish Lake is giving up a few bluegills along the deeper weedbeds and smallmouth bass action has picked up on the structure at Island. On the St. Louis River and Island, topwater baits are raising muskies during low-light periods. Salmon and lake trout reports off Lake Superior have been best north of Two Harbors about 10 miles off shore. Find clean, cooler water and troll spoons at least 50 feet down.
Chalstrom's Bait (218) 726-0094
Leeches are producing big walleyes in 24 to 30 feet during the morning hours on Burntside Lake and you'll hit smaller fish in the bays. The 12- to 20-foot reefs of Basswood Lake, Snowbank Lake, and Lake Shagawa also are giving up a few walleyes. Smallmouth bass are hitting in shallow and deep water on most lakes. Spoons continue to work best for suspended lake trout over 50 to 60 feet at Snowbank and Trout Lake.
The Great Outdoors (218) 365-4744
Leeches are producing big walleyes in 24 to 30 feet during the morning hours on Burntside Lake and you'll hit smaller fish in the bays. The 12- to 20-foot reefs of Basswood Lake, Snowbank Lake, and Lake Shagawa also are giving up a few walleyes. Smallmouth bass are hitting in shallow and deep water on most lakes. Spoons continue to work best for suspended lake trout over 50 to 60 feet at Snowbank and Trout Lake.
The Great Outdoors (218) 365-4744
Bluegills and crappies remain shallow, five to seven feet, at Hall Lake, Budd Lake, and Lake Sissiton. Look to North Silver Lake for perch in three to six feet. A few walleyes are coming off Tuttle Lake with crankbaits in three to five feet. The weedlines of Fox Lake are giving up a few muskies early and late in the day.
Hall Lake Cabins Bait & Tackle (507) 235-5225
Bluegills and crappies remain shallow, five to seven feet, at Hall Lake, Budd Lake, and Lake Sissiton. Look to North Silver Lake for perch in three to six feet. A few walleyes are coming off Tuttle Lake with crankbaits in three to five feet. The weedlines of Fox Lake are giving up a few muskies early and late in the day.
Hall Lake Cabins Bait & Tackle (507) 235-5225
Crappies and sunfish are hitting on Lake Mazaska in 10 to 12 feet. Look to French Lake for sunfish in 12 to 14 feet and an occasional muskie along the weedlines. The weedlines of Kelley Dudley Lake are worth hitting for northern pike and panfish. On Cedar Lake, you'll find plenty of sunfish along the shallow weedline and Circle Lake produces a few walleyes during the evening in nine feet.
Nagel's Live Bait (507) 334-8341
Crappies and sunfish are hitting on Lake Mazaska in 10 to 12 feet. Look to French Lake for sunfish in 12 to 14 feet and an occasional muskie along the weedlines. The weedlines of Kelley Dudley Lake are worth hitting for northern pike and panfish. On Cedar Lake, you'll find plenty of sunfish along the shallow weedline and Circle Lake produces a few walleyes during the evening in nine feet.
Nagel's Live Bait (507) 334-8341
Crawlers are producing walleyes at Seagull Lake in 12 to 15 feet or 25 to 28 feet. On Lake Saganaga, slip bobbers and leeches are best in 25 to 30 feet. You'll find lake trout suspended over 60 to 80 on these lakes as well. Smallmouth bass are an easy catch with live and artificial bait at Hungry Jack Lake, Northern Lights Lake, Poplar Lake, and Devil's Fish Lake. On Lake Superior, you have to hit 180 to 200 feet for lake trout and salmon are suspended over 40 feet.
Buck's Hardware (218) 387-2280
Crawlers are producing walleyes at Seagull Lake in 12 to 15 feet or 25 to 28 feet. On Lake Saganaga, slip bobbers and leeches are best in 25 to 30 feet. You'll find lake trout suspended over 60 to 80 on these lakes as well. Smallmouth bass are an easy catch with live and artificial bait at Hungry Jack Lake, Northern Lights Lake, Poplar Lake, and Devil's Fish Lake. On Lake Superior, you have to hit 180 to 200 feet for lake trout and salmon are suspended over 40 feet.
Buck's Hardware (218) 387-2280
Leeches are producing walleyes at Trout Lake in 25 to 30 feet, on the 18- to 22-foot weedlines of Lake Pokegama, and in 20 to 30 feet at Sugar Lake, Lake Wabana, and Deer Lake. Trolling Rapalas at night in shallower water also has triggered walleyes at Pokegama, Sugar, Trout, and Moose Lake. There's some evening crappie action in the deep cabbage of lakes Pokegama, Little Splithand, Spider, and Jessie. Work the deep weedlines of most lakes for northern pike, while muskie action has noticeably improved at Deer and Star lakes. Safe bets for sunfish include the weedlines of Bass Lake, Graves Lake, Big Splithand, and Little Splithand.
Ben's Bait and Tackle (218) 326-8281
Leeches are producing walleyes at Trout Lake in 25 to 30 feet, on the 18- to 22-foot weedlines of Lake Pokegama, and in 20 to 30 feet at Sugar Lake, Lake Wabana, and Deer Lake. Trolling Rapalas at night in shallower water also has triggered walleyes at Pokegama, Sugar, Trout, and Moose Lake. There's some evening crappie action in the deep cabbage of lakes Pokegama, Little Splithand, Spider, and Jessie. Work the deep weedlines of most lakes for northern pike, while muskie action has noticeably improved at Deer and Star lakes. Safe bets for sunfish include the weedlines of Bass Lake, Graves Lake, Big Splithand, and Little Splithand.
Ben's Bait and Tackle (218) 326-8281
Crawlers and leeches are turning a few walleyes at Woman Lake on the 18- to 24-foot breaks. Look to the deeper weedlines of Pleasant Lake and Birch Lake for suspended panfish. Bass fishing has been consistent for smallmouth and largemouth on most lakes, highlighted by a few bigger fish at Portage Lake and Baby Lake.
Swanson's Bait and Tackle (218) 675-6176
Crawlers and leeches are turning a few walleyes at Woman Lake on the 18- to 24-foot breaks. Look to the deeper weedlines of Pleasant Lake and Birch Lake for suspended panfish. Bass fishing has been consistent for smallmouth and largemouth on most lakes, highlighted by a few bigger fish at Portage Lake and Baby Lake.
Swanson's Bait and Tackle (218) 675-6176
The walleye bite has been inconsistent with a few active fish being found in 12 to 23 feet. There seems to be plenty of walleyes sitting in deeper water, but they don't want to eat. Live-bait rigs with crawlers or a slip bobber and leech has worked best. There have been some fish taken on spinners and a half of a nightcrawler on the 16- to 18-foot areas adjacent to rock piles. Smallmouth bass and a few walleyes also have been pulled from six to 15 feet on the east end.
Lake Vermilion Guides League
The walleye bite has been inconsistent with a few active fish being found in 12 to 23 feet. There seems to be plenty of walleyes sitting in deeper water, but they don't want to eat. Live-bait rigs with crawlers or a slip bobber and leech has worked best. There have been some fish taken on spinners and a half of a nightcrawler on the 16- to 18-foot areas adjacent to rock piles. Smallmouth bass and a few walleyes also have been pulled from six to 15 feet on the east end.
Lake Vermilion Guides League
Perch action has picked up with waxworms in 12 to 14 feet in the Rocky Ledge, Hartford Beach, and Sodak areas of Big Stone Lake. A few walleyes are being caught on spinners and crawlers in these locations as well. The Highway 75 dam area on the Minnesota River is producing walleyes and consistent catfish action. Look to the east side of Lake Oliver for walleyes in 18 feet.
Bud's Bait (320) 839-2480
Perch action has picked up with waxworms in 12 to 14 feet in the Rocky Ledge, Hartford Beach, and Sodak areas of Big Stone Lake. A few walleyes are being caught on spinners and crawlers in these locations as well. The Highway 75 dam area on the Minnesota River is producing walleyes and consistent catfish action. Look to the east side of Lake Oliver for walleyes in 18 feet.
Bud's Bait (320) 839-2480
Walleyes are hitting crawlers and leeches during low-light periods at Big Sand Lake in 18 to 28 feet. Pike remain active on Fifth and Sixth Crow Wing lakes in 14 to 16 feet. Big Mantrap Lake continues to kick out plenty of pike and a few muskies on the 14-foot cabbage. Look for sunfish on Lake Belle Taine in 10 to 14 feet and crappies on Big Mantrap in 12 to 14 feet during the evening hours. You'll find rainbow trout suspended over deep water at Bad Medicine Lake and Long Lake.
Delaney's (218) 732-4281
Walleyes are hitting crawlers and leeches during low-light periods at Big Sand Lake in 18 to 28 feet. Pike remain active on Fifth and Sixth Crow Wing lakes in 14 to 16 feet. Big Mantrap Lake continues to kick out plenty of pike and a few muskies on the 14-foot cabbage. Look for sunfish on Lake Belle Taine in 10 to 14 feet and crappies on Big Mantrap in 12 to 14 feet during the evening hours. You'll find rainbow trout suspended over deep water at Bad Medicine Lake and Long Lake.
Delaney's (218) 732-4281
Shad Raps are turning numbers of walleyes and northern pike in four to eight feet at Big Pine Lake, Little Pine Lake, and Rush Lake. Leeches also are producing walleyes in 18 feet during the day at Big and Little Pine. Work the deep cabbage on Big Pine, Big McDonald Lake, Little McDonald Lake, and Lake Marion for panfish.
Gene's Sport Shop (218) 346-3355
Shad Raps are turning numbers of walleyes and northern pike in four to eight feet at Big Pine Lake, Little Pine Lake, and Rush Lake. Leeches also are producing walleyes in 18 feet during the day at Big and Little Pine. Work the deep cabbage on Big Pine, Big McDonald Lake, Little McDonald Lake, and Lake Marion for panfish.
Gene's Sport Shop (218) 346-3355
You'll find sunfish in eight to 10 feet and crappies suspended over 16 to 22 feet at Lake Pokegama and Cross Lake. Shad Raps are producing a few walleyes on the northwest side of Cross in 14 to 18 feet and both lakes are giving up northern pike near weedlines. Work the east side of Knife Lake for panfish, crawlers are producing walleyes in eight to 11 feet, and bass can be had here in the bays. A few walleyes also can be had on the 12- to 16-foot gravel of East and West Rush lakes. Both lakes are giving up crappies as well over 20 feet.
Red's Bait & Tackle (320) 629-1154
You'll find sunfish in eight to 10 feet and crappies suspended over 16 to 22 feet at Lake Pokegama and Cross Lake. Shad Raps are producing a few walleyes on the northwest side of Cross in 14 to 18 feet and both lakes are giving up northern pike near weedlines. Work the east side of Knife Lake for panfish, crawlers are producing walleyes in eight to 11 feet, and bass can be had here in the bays. A few walleyes also can be had on the 12- to 16-foot gravel of East and West Rush lakes. Both lakes are giving up crappies as well over 20 feet.
Red's Bait & Tackle (320) 629-1154
The hot temperatures and strong winds have slowed the walleye bite in shallower water this week. There is a decent walleye bite with spinners and leeches on the rock humps and bars in 12 to 17 feet. Pike action, at least for big fish, also has slowed this week.
Dr. Tackle Sports (218) 647-8657
Mort's Dock (218) 647-8128
The hot temperatures and strong winds have slowed the walleye bite in shallower water this week. There is a decent walleye bite with spinners and leeches on the rock humps and bars in 12 to 17 feet. Pike action, at least for big fish, also has slowed this week.
Dr. Tackle Sports (218) 647-8657
Mort's Dock (218) 647-8128
High water continues to limit boat access to the Grand Forks area and anyone using the river should exercise caution. Most catfish are being pulled from shallow snags, confluences of drainage ditches, and near slack water areas. These fish are spread out so stay on the move with sucker minnows and frogs and it takes at least a five-ounce weight to keep your bait down in the current areas.
Brad Durick Outdoors (701) 739-5808
High water continues to limit boat access to the Grand Forks area and anyone using the river should exercise caution. Most catfish are being pulled from shallow snags, confluences of drainage ditches, and near slack water areas. These fish are spread out so stay on the move with sucker minnows and frogs and it takes at least a five-ounce weight to keep your bait down in the current areas.
Brad Durick Outdoors (701) 739-5808
The walleye bite has been a bit tough this week. Pulling crankbaits in the Maiden Rock Flats area at the mouth of Lake Pepin has produced some fish. Jigging the back channels of the Mississippi River has turned fish as well. Catfish action has improved in the deep holes below the dam on the river.
Ike's Bait and Tackle (651) 388-2111
Four Seasons Sports (651) 388-4334
The walleye bite has been a bit tough this week. Pulling crankbaits in the Maiden Rock Flats area at the mouth of Lake Pepin has produced some fish. Jigging the back channels of the Mississippi River has turned fish as well. Catfish action has improved in the deep holes below the dam on the river.
Ike's Bait and Tackle (651) 388-2111
Four Seasons Sports (651) 388-4334
Sunfish reports vary with Brown's Lake, Cedar Island Lake, Long Lake, and Horseshoe Lake producing fish in six to 12 feet. Look to Lake Koronis and Rice Lake for walleyes, which are scattered between five and 25 feet depending on the time of day. Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows along the weedlines of most lakes.
Mike's Bait and Tackle (320) 453-2248
Sunfish reports vary with Brown's Lake, Cedar Island Lake, Long Lake, and Horseshoe Lake producing fish in six to 12 feet. Look to Lake Koronis and Rice Lake for walleyes, which are scattered between five and 25 feet depending on the time of day. Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows along the weedlines of most lakes.
Mike's Bait and Tackle (320) 453-2248
Sunfish are hitting on Long Lake in eight to 10 feet and Lilly Lake in 12 to 14 feet. Maple Lake is kicking out sunfish along the 12-foot weeds. On Big Birch Lake, you'll find sunfish and a few walleyes piled up in 12 to 18 feet. Look for crappies on the north end of Sauk Lake in four to six feet and Long Bridge Lake in four to seven feet. The inlet on Sauk is holding a few walleyes, most of which are hitting redtails and crawlers. The flats on Lake Osakis are giving up walleyes during low-light periods in 16 to 32 feet.
Fletcher's Bait (320) 352-2155
Sunfish are hitting on Long Lake in eight to 10 feet and Lilly Lake in 12 to 14 feet. Maple Lake is kicking out sunfish along the 12-foot weeds. On Big Birch Lake, you'll find sunfish and a few walleyes piled up in 12 to 18 feet. Look for crappies on the north end of Sauk Lake in four to six feet and Long Bridge Lake in four to seven feet. The inlet on Sauk is holding a few walleyes, most of which are hitting redtails and crawlers. The flats on Lake Osakis are giving up walleyes during low-light periods in 16 to 32 feet.
Fletcher's Bait (320) 352-2155
Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows, spinnerbaits, or spoon plugs on the weedlines of Lake Tetonka and Lake Sakatah. A few walleyes are being taken with leeches on Tetonka in 15 feet or more during low-light periods. Panfish reports have been slow, but bass fishing remains consistent on area lakes.
Axel's Tackle Box (507) 362-4444
Northern pike are hitting sucker minnows, spinnerbaits, or spoon plugs on the weedlines of Lake Tetonka and Lake Sakatah. A few walleyes are being taken with leeches on Tetonka in 15 feet or more during low-light periods. Panfish reports have been slow, but bass fishing remains consistent on area lakes.
Axel's Tackle Box (507) 362-4444
A few walleyes can be had on the 30- to 40-foot main-lake structure of Green Lake with crawlers or leeches. Look for panfish on the weedlines of lakes Florida, Andrew, Games, Diamond, and North Long by Hawick. Bass are hitting on the weedlines during the day and up shallower during low-light periods. Pitch a jig and leech in 10 feet or less on Big Kandi Lake and Lake Solomon for walleyes.
Brad's 71 Bait and Sports (320) 235-4097
A few walleyes can be had on the 30- to 40-foot main-lake structure of Green Lake with crawlers or leeches. Look for panfish on the weedlines of lakes Florida, Andrew, Games, Diamond, and North Long by Hawick. Bass are hitting on the weedlines during the day and up shallower during low-light periods. Pitch a jig and leech in 10 feet or less on Big Kandi Lake and Lake Solomon for walleyes.
Brad's 71 Bait and Sports (320) 235-4097
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Man charged with killing 2 children in Madison
Associated Press
Updated: 07/27/2011 03:49:48 PM CDT
MADISON, Wis. - A 28-year-old Madison man is charged with killing his girlfriend's two young sons.
According to the criminal complaint obtained by WISC-TV David Hoem, 28, picked up 3-year-old Kemaury McArthur and 4-year-old Kevin McArthur from their father July 5, saying he was taking them shopping, which was a regular occurrence.
Police say surveillance footage showed Hoem leaving a car in a parking lot after about 30 minutes. Police found the boys dead inside about seven hours later.
Court documents say Hoem held the mother held against her will the day before and put her in a chokehold for about 30 seconds to a minute.
Hoem was charged today with two counts of first-degree intentional homicide, false imprisonment and strangulation and suffocation.
Calif. man attempts self-surgery with butter knife
A Southern California man stuck a butter knife into his belly in a failed bid at self-surgery to remove a painful hernia, police said Tuesday.
The wife of the 63-year-old Glendale man called 911 on Sunday night and told the emergency operator her husband was using a knife to remove a protruding hernia, Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.
"She said he had impaled himself with a knife," Lorenz said.
A hernia occurs when all or part of an organ squeezes through a hole or a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue. While the man said he was trying to remove a hernia, hernias are normally repaired by doctors in a hospital or medical setting involving some type of procedure to push the organ back in.
Officers found the man naked on a patio lounge chair outside his apartment with a 6-inch butter knife sticking out of his stomach. The man's wife told officers that her husband was upset about the hernia and wanted to take it out.
While waiting for paramedics, the sergeant said, the man pulled out the knife and stuffed a cigarette he was smoking into the bleeding, open wound.
"What he was thinking, I don't know. I don't know if he was cauterizing it (the wound)," Lorenz said.
The man wasn't screaming or showing any signs of pain, the sergeant said.
Based on his actions and statements from the wife, Lorenz said the man was placed on psychiatric hold and taken to Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.
Because he's on psychiatric hold for up to 72 hours under the state Welfare and Institutions Code, Lorenz said the man's name and condition cannot be released.
"You just never know what to expect," said Lorenz, who has been on the police force for 29 years. "I've seen self-mutilation, but not a maneuver like this."
AP News
The wife of the 63-year-old Glendale man called 911 on Sunday night and told the emergency operator her husband was using a knife to remove a protruding hernia, Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.
"She said he had impaled himself with a knife," Lorenz said.
A hernia occurs when all or part of an organ squeezes through a hole or a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue. While the man said he was trying to remove a hernia, hernias are normally repaired by doctors in a hospital or medical setting involving some type of procedure to push the organ back in.
Officers found the man naked on a patio lounge chair outside his apartment with a 6-inch butter knife sticking out of his stomach. The man's wife told officers that her husband was upset about the hernia and wanted to take it out.
While waiting for paramedics, the sergeant said, the man pulled out the knife and stuffed a cigarette he was smoking into the bleeding, open wound.
"What he was thinking, I don't know. I don't know if he was cauterizing it (the wound)," Lorenz said.
The man wasn't screaming or showing any signs of pain, the sergeant said.
Based on his actions and statements from the wife, Lorenz said the man was placed on psychiatric hold and taken to Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.
Because he's on psychiatric hold for up to 72 hours under the state Welfare and Institutions Code, Lorenz said the man's name and condition cannot be released.
"You just never know what to expect," said Lorenz, who has been on the police force for 29 years. "I've seen self-mutilation, but not a maneuver like this."
AP News
St. Paul firefighters generating some heat of their own (w/video)
St. Paul firefighters may have to put out more flames after the release of their 2012 calendar.
They want Facebook users to choose their favorite smoldering firefighter to grace the cover before the calendar comes out in September. Voting begins today and runs through Aug. 3. The firefighter who receives the most "likes" on Facebook will land on the cover.
"I was on the cover in 2010," said organizer and St. Paul firefighter Drew Pawlitschek, who is one of six firefighters featured. "I'm sure it'd be quite OK if one of the other guys were" on it this year.
This is the third year Pawlitschek is putting together a calendar for charity. In 2010, the calendars netted $5,000, Pawlitschek said. This year, about $7,000 was generated for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Autism Society of Minnesota.
Money raised from the 2012 edition will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and potentially to other charities, he said. The goal is to raise $20,000.
Calendars can be bought in advance at - Vote on Facebook
View the Video
By Brady Gervais
Pioneer Press
They want Facebook users to choose their favorite smoldering firefighter to grace the cover before the calendar comes out in September. Voting begins today and runs through Aug. 3. The firefighter who receives the most "likes" on Facebook will land on the cover.
"I was on the cover in 2010," said organizer and St. Paul firefighter Drew Pawlitschek, who is one of six firefighters featured. "I'm sure it'd be quite OK if one of the other guys were" on it this year.
This is the third year Pawlitschek is putting together a calendar for charity. In 2010, the calendars netted $5,000, Pawlitschek said. This year, about $7,000 was generated for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Autism Society of Minnesota.
Money raised from the 2012 edition will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and potentially to other charities, he said. The goal is to raise $20,000.
Calendars can be bought in advance at - Vote on Facebook
View the Video
By Brady Gervais
Pioneer Press
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I Have A Question
I have a question.......
Nagasaki 1945, after the atomic bomb
Nagasaki 2011, following earthquake and tsunami
What the hell is that arch thing made of?????
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