Friday, August 19, 2011

The Canuckistanis aren’t mincing their words over Bachmann

The Canuckistanis aren’t mincing their words over Our Congresswoman. In the Montreal Gazette, Janet Bagnall writes: “If Michele Bachmann had emerged 40 years ago, it would have felt like the Old Boys who ran the world had a point. Bigoted and uninformed, Bachmann could have served as Exhibit A for the inherent unsuitability of women for high, or even low, public office. But if the last 40 years have proved anything, it's that women are supremely capable in the workplace, at school and in public office. So why among thousands upon thousands of educated, competent, knowledgeable women in the United States is Bachmann being taken seriously as a candidate for a presidential nomination? Precisely because she represents a vision of 1950s America that is untouched by modern life, with its sexual and reproductive freedoms, the influx of minority populations right into the heartland of the U.S., and the need to adapt to an increasingly globalized world. But Bachmann, 55, the mother of five children, has managed to appeal to both a rural constituency that views big-city American life with distrust verging on horror and people in the big cities who can help fund her run.”

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